Shin-etsu Trail

Tent Site

Shin-etsu Trail tent sites

There are several designated tent sites along the Trail, allowing you to camp whilehiking the Trail.

Carry your tent, camping and cooking gear and spend the whole day right on the Trail—it will make for a much deeper hiking experience! The tent sites are simplecampgrounds created specifically for those hiking the Shin-etsu Trail, with justenough space for your tent.

To use the tent sites

STEP1 Once you have decided the desired date of use and the tent site, please fill in the reservation form (link below) and submit to theShin-etsu Trail Store. For Hikari ga Hara and Echigo-Tsumaari Daigonji Kōgen campsites, please make reservations and paymentdirectly with the facilities. If you are with a group and are unsure of the final total number of people, please contact the TrailSecretariat.

STEP2 Go to the Shin-etsu Trail Store reservation form, fill in the dates, number of users, etc., and submit. If payment is not madewithin five days of making the reservation, it will be canceled. No refunds can be made after payment, but it is possible to alterthe schedule.

STEP3 On the day of use, check the information board posted at each tent site, and set up your tent in the designated location.Download or printout the pdf with your reservation information; you can also display on your smartphone. If you are payingimmediately before use, make sure that you can show the confirmation email from the Shin-etsu Trail Store.

STEP4 After enjoying your stay, leave a clean site with no trace that you were there!

Tent sites

Shin-etsu Trail tent sites Hikari ga Hara campground Nonoumi Kōgen tent site Echigo-Tsumaari Daigonji Kōgen campground Aka Ike tent site Togari Onsen Hoshifuru campground Katakuri no Yado tent site Katsura Ike tent site Koakasawa Rakuyōkan tent site
Tent site Details Notes
imageAka Ike tent site
  1. Access:Five-minute walk from Aka Ike parking lot
  2. Water:Available1
  3. Toilet:Available in the parking lot
  4. Tent spots available:10
  5. Open:Late June to late October
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person
  7. Payment:Through the Shin-etsu Trail Store
In principle, staying is free, but weask that you kindly donate ¥1,500,which will be used for maintenance.
Katsura Ike tent site
  1. Access:On the Trail
  2. Water:Available1
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:5
  5. Open:Late June to late October
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person
  7. Payment:Through the Shin-etsu Trail Store
The Tarō Shimizu spring is locatednearby, but may go dry in summer.Katsura Ike pond water can be usedinstead.
Togari Onsen Hoshifurucampground
  1. Access:15-minute walk from the Hotoke ga Mine trailhead
  2. Water:Available1
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:10
  5. Open:Mid July to mid October
  6. Fee:¥2,000/person
  7. Payment:Online pre-payment by card
Please make reservation andpayment directly online at
Togari Onsen HoshifuruCampground
Hikari ga Hara campground
  1. Access:15-minute walk from the fork in the Trail leading to thecampground
  2. Water:Available
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:20
  5. Open:Late June to late October
  6. Fee:*See note on the right*
  7. Payment:Through the Shin-etsu Trail Store
*For staying at the Hikari ga Haracampground, both the admissionfee (¥1,000 per person, accordingto the number of people using thesite) and the site charge (¥1000 pertent, according to the number oftents) are required.

ex.1) In the case of 1 person usingone tent:
Admission fee: ¥1,000 x 1 person +Site charge: ¥1,000 x 1 tent = Total¥2,000

ex. 2) In the case of 2 personssharing one tent:
Admission fee: ¥1,000 x 2 persons+ Site charge: ¥1,000 x 1 tent =Total ¥3,000
Nonoumi Kōgen tent site
  1. Access:30-minute walk from Nonoumi Tōge pass, 10 minutes fromMisaka Tōge pass
  2. Water:Available1
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:20
  5. Open:Early July to late October
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person
  7. Payment:Through the Shin-etsu Trail Store
Echigo-Tsumaari Daigonji Kōgencampground
  1. Access:20-minute walk from the Matsunoyama trailhead
  2. Water:Available
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:40
  5. Open:Early June to late October
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person3
  7. Payment:At the facility
Please make reservations andpayment directly with the facility at
Daigonji Kōgen campground
Hishigatake campground
  1. Access:50 minutes from fork in Trail leading to the campground
  2. Water:Available1
  3. Toilet:Yes, in adjacent gondola station
  4. Tent spots available:None (currently closed)
  5. Open:Early July to late October
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person
  7. Payment:Through the Shin-etsu Trail Store
※Closed from 2022
Katakuri no Yado tent site
  1. Access:On Trail
  2. Water:Available
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:20
  5. Open:June to October (irregular holidays, so check ahead)
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person
  7. Payment:At the facility
Please make reservations andpayment directly with the facility, at
atakuri no Yado, Akiyama-gō Onsen
Koakasawa Rakuyōkan tent site
  1. Access:Next to Koakasawa Onsen Hot Springs "Rakuyōkan"
  2. Water:Available
  3. Toilet:Yes
  4. Tent spots available:10
  5. Open:June to October
  6. Fee:¥1,500/person
  7. Payment:Through the Shin-etsu Trail Store
  • ※1…Please use water only after boiling or purifying
  • ※2…Price per adult, including admission, site usage and tent carry-on fee.

Rules for tent site usage

  1. Please set up your tent in the designated location.
  2. Use the toilets at the facility.
  3. Drink water after boiling for three minutes, or after using a water purifier.
  4. To preserve water quality, do not use detergents or toothpaste.
  5. Always use a camp stove for cooking; do not use open fires.
  6. Take all garbage away with you; do not throw away leftover food, soup broth,etc.
  7. Don’t make loud noises, and be considerate of other hikers.
  8. Pay the usage fee, which will be used to maintain the facilities and Trail.
  • Use of the Aka Ike/Katsura Ike/Nonoumi Kōgen/Koakasawa Rakuyōkan tent sites are limited to hikers on the Shin-etsu Trail. They cannot be used for car camping, etc.
  • There are separate rules for all other tent sites not operated by the Shin-etsu Trail Club; be sure to review these at the facilities.
  • No refunds can be made after payment is made, but schedule changes are possible.
  • Reservation receipt will automatically be sent attached on an e-mail. Depending on your cell phone settings, the e-mail may not be received. We recommend to apply with a non-mobile e-mail address.