
信越トレイルクラブ × Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Shin-etsu Trail Club × Appalachian Trail Conservancy

信越トレイルクラブ × Appalachian Trail Conservancy

The Shin-etsu Trail Club and Appalachian Trail Conservancy have signed the Friendship Trails Agreement

What is the Friendship Trails Agreement?



In November 2023, the Shin-etsu Trail Club (STC) and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) signed a Friendship Trails Agreement.

The purpose of this agreement is to promote broad-based exchange and deepen friendship and understanding through mutual support and cooperation in the areas of trail management and promotion that both organizations are involved in.

Friendship Trails Agreement Signing Ceremony
Friendship Trails Agreement

The Appalachian Trail and the ATC

アメリカ合衆国東部のアパラチアン山脈に沿い、南の起点ジョージア州Springer Mountain山頂から北の起点メイン州Mount Katahdin山頂まで、14の州に跨がる世界的ロングトレイルであるAppalachian Trail(AT、正式名称Appalachian National Scenic Trail)。その総距離は約2,200マイル = 3,500kmに及び、6つの国立公園と8つの国有林を通っています。人の生活圏からは比較的近く、毎年およそ300万人がこの道を訪れます。そのうちの3,000人以上がスルーハイクに挑戦し、その成功率は25%程度と言われています。

ATは1921年にBenton MacKayeにより構想が提唱され、翌年1922年着工、1937年に全線開通。1968年にはアメリカで初めて国定景観歩道に指定され、現在は同国西部にあるPacific Crest Trail (PCT、約2,650マイル = 4,200 km)、Continental Divide Trail (CDT、約3,100マイル = 5,000 km)と並び、アメリカ3大トレイルのひとつに数えられています。


A world-class long-distance trail spanning 14 states, that runs from its southern terminus at the summit of Springer Mountain in Georgia to its northern terminus at the summit of Mount Katahdin in Maine, along the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern part of the United States, is called the Appalachian Trail (AT, officially the Appalachian National Scenic Trail). Its total distance is approximately 2,200 miles (3,500 km) through six national parks and eight national forests. The Trail is relatively close to where people live, and approximately 3 million people visit the trail every year. More than 3,000 of them attempt to thru-hike the trail, with an estimated success rate of about 25%.

The AT was proposed by Benton MacKaye in 1921, construction began the following year in 1922, and the entire trail opened in 1937. The year 1968 marked the first time the AT was designated as a National Scenic Trail in the U.S., and today it is one of the three major trails in the United States, along with the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT, approx. 2,650 miles = 4,200 km) and the Continental Divide Trail (CDT, approx. 3,100 miles = 5,000 km) in the western part of the country.

The ATC, founded in 1925 and now headquartered in Harpers Ferry, WV, is responsible for this historic trail's overall operation and management.

A beautiful green tunnel on the Appalachian Trail (near Shenandoah National Park, VA)

STC meets ATC

里山を巡る全長110km の信越トレイルは、世紀を越えて愛されるATをお手本に作られました。

それは、バックパッカーで作家の故・加藤則芳さんが、信越トレイルの構想段階から深く関わったことが大きく関係します( 詳しくは信越トレイル・ストーリーズをご覧ください)。


その際に現地コーディネーターだったのが、ジョージア州・ダロネガ在住のJoe Adamsさんでした。この前年、彼はNHKが制作するATに関するドキュメンタリー番組の現地取材においてコーディネーターを務め、その番組制作委員には加藤さんが参加していたのが縁となり、STCの視察で貢献いただいたのです。(さらには2005年に加藤さんがATをスルーハイクした際、Joeさんはご家族と共にトレイルエンジェルとして加藤さんをサポートしました - このいきさつは加藤さんの著書「メインの森をめざして」に詳しく書かれています。)

The 110-km-long Shin-etsu Trail through satoyama was modeled after the AT,a trail that has been loved for centuries.

This is largely due to the late backpacker and author Noriyoshi Kato, who was deeply involved in the Shin-etsu Trail from its conception stage(see The Shin-etsu Trail Stories for more details).

In October 2003, the newly established STC traveled to the U.S. to inspect the AT. With the cooperation of ATC and local trail maintenance organizations, we learned about trail construction and maintenance methods, organizational management systems, and the know-how of trail maintenance by private volunteers.

The local coordinator at that time was Joe Adams, a resident of Dahlonega, Georgia. The year before, Joe had served as the coordinator for a documentary program on AT produced by NHK (Japan Broadcasting C orporation), and Kato was a member of the program production committee - this is why Joe contributed to our visit to the AT. (Furthermore, Joe and his family supported Kato as trail angel s when Kato thru-hiked the AT in 2005 - This story is described in detail in Kato's book, “Heading to the Maine Woods” , published in Japanese only.)

STC視察メンバーと加藤さん(後列左から3番目)、一番右がJoe、2003年 STC視察メンバーと加藤さん(後列左から3番目)、一番右がJoe、2003年
Kato (back row, third from left) with members of the STC inspection team, rightmost is Joe, 2003

Connections and friendships expanding

当初の視察から16年後の2019年夏、ひとりの若者がSTCを訪ねます。名前はSarah Adamsさん、Joeさんのお嬢さんです(既出写真、前列右)。
21歳になった彼女は米イェール大学(コネチカット州)で環境人文科学を専攻し、信越トレイルとATの繋がりについて研究、卒業論文執筆ため取材にはるばるやってきました。信越トレイル創成のキーパーソンである小山邦武元飯山市長をはじめ、各関係者にインタビューを行い、またトレイル整備にもボランティア参加した彼女は、その足で真夏の信越トレイルを単身スルーハイク。帰国後に「Jappalachia:Connections Between the Appalachian Trail and Japan’ s Shinetsu Trail」と題した論文を発表したのです(ここから閲覧できます※英語標記のみ)。


In the summer of 2019, 16 years after our original visit, a you ng person visited the STC. Her name is Sarah Adams, the daughte r of Joe's daughter, (previously shown in the photo, front row, right), a 21-year-old environmental humanities major at Yale University in Connecticut,USA, who is researching the connection between the Shin-etsu Tr ail and the Appalachian Trail, and came all the way to Japan to write her graduation thesis. She interviewed various people involved in the creation of the Shin-etsu Trail, including former Iiyama City Mayor Kunitake Koyama, a key person in the creation of the trail, and participated in trail maintenance as a volunteer. After returning to the US, she published a paper titled "Jappalachia: Connections Between the Appalachian Trail and Japan’ s Shinetsu Trail" (available here).

After graduation, Sarah returned to her hometown of Dahlonega a nd became involved with ATC as the North Georgia A.T.Community Coordinator. Then in July 2021, she joined ATC as Regional Manager for the Trail in Georgia and Southern North Carolina.

トレイル整備に参加したSarahさん 信越トレイルクラブの整備に参加したSarahさん(一番右)、ボランティアの皆さんと共に、2019
Sarah (first right), who participated in trail maintenance, with the STC volunteers, 2019

同年9月、信越トレイルは苗場山へ延伸。その記念イベントに宛て、心温まるお祝いのビデオメッセージを寄せてくれたのがSarahさん、そしてATCの副代表(当時)であるLaura Bellevilleさんでした。

翌年の2022年12月、STCは台湾で開催された国際会議「Asia Trails Conference」(Asia Trails Network 主催)に出席、そこで幸運にも同じく登壇者として出席していたLauraさんと対面を果たしました。世界中のトレイル運営団体が組織する「World Trails Network」の理事も務める彼女は、信越トレイルとATの繋がりについて高い関心を示してくださり、STCがATを再訪したいというオファーを快諾。関係各署への調整に尽力いただき、2023年5月、2回目となるAT視察が実現しました。現地各所においてSTCは、AT、そしてATCの進化を目の当たりにし更なる学びを得たとともに、20年来つながり続け、また広がる友情に深く感動・感謝しました(活動レポートはこちら)。

In September of the same year, the Shin-etsu Trail was extended to Mt. Naeba. Sarah and Laura Belleville, then vice president of the ATC, sent heartwarming video messages of congratulations to the commemorative event.

The following year, in December 2022, STC attended the Asia Trails Conference in Taiwan (organized by the Asia Trails Network), where we were fortunate enough to meet Laura, who was also a speaker at the conference. She is also a board member of the World Trails Network, an organization of trail management groups from around the world. She was very interested in the connection between the Shin-etsu Trail and the AT, and readily agreed to STC's offer to revisit the AT. She made every effort to coordinate with the relevant departments, and in May 2023, our second visit to the AT was realized. At each site, the STC learned more about AT and ATC's evolution, and was deeply moved and grateful for the friendship that has continued and expanded over the past 20 years (see the activity reporthere).

20年ぶりのAT視察での一幕 20年ぶりのAT視察での一幕、景勝地McAfee Knobにて、左から4番目がLauraさん、2023年
A scene from the first AT visit in 20 years, at the scenic McAfee Knob, Laura is 4th from left, 2023

The Future of STC and ATC

2023年11月に開催した「全国トレイルメンテナンスシンポジウム in 長野県飯山市」(STC主催)では、ATCからSarahさん、そしてMatt Druryさん(サイエンス&スチュワードシップ副部長)を講師として迎え、ATCの活動事例や今後の展望、また整備技術や知識等の紹介いただきながら、トレイルの維持管理方法のあるべき姿、またそこに携わる人々の思いについて、行政・団体・個人の垣根を超え、登壇者・参加者の皆さんと一緒に考察・意見交換を行うことができました。


At the "Japan National Trail Maintenance Symposium in Iiyama, Nagano" (hosted by STC) held in November 2023, Sarah and Matt Drury, an Associate Director of Science and Stewardship of the ATC, were invited as lecturers to introduce ATC's activities, future prospects, maintenance techniques, and knowledge. The speakers and participants discussed and exchanged opinions about the ideal trail maintenance and management methods and also the thoughts of the people involved, transcending the boundaries of government, organizations, and individuals.

From 2024, the STC will take a step forward with the ATC in the areas of personal exchange and information exchange, as well as in the area of promotion, aiming for a future where hikers travel to and from each other's trails and, by extension, to trails in each other's countries.
In addition, by deepening exchanges, mutual learning, and cooperation with local trail clubs who are responsible for trail maintenance in the AT, as well as with various other people involved in the AT, we will pass on the treasure of "trails" to the next generation in a sustainable manner.

全国トレイルメンテナンスシンポジウム、パネルディスカッションでの一幕 全国トレイルメンテナンスシンポジウム、パネルディスカッションでの一幕
Japan National Trail Maintenance Symposium, a scene from the Panel Discussion
( 左から三浦務さん(CAJ)、木村(STC)、伊藤圭さん( 三俣山荘)、岡崎哲三さん( 大雪山山守隊)、Matt さん、Sarah さん)
(From left to right: Tsutomu Miura (CAJ), Kimura (STC), Kei Ito (Mitsumata Sanso), Tetsuzo Okazaki (Taisetsuzan Yamaori-tai), Matt and Sarah)
Japan National Trail Maintenance Symposium, speakers and participants gathered after the Workshop