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信越トレイル_水場とトイレの情報│Water and Toilet along the Trail


The Shin-etsu Trail has limited water and toilet facilities available.
When planning your hike, please check here for the specific location of each water station/restroom.

2023年のトイレ・水場状況 (6/20現在)

Section 3 – Taro Shimizu (spring water) near Katsura Pond is currently low in quantity and difficult to secure water (as of June). Please send us any updates you may have.

Restrooms at Green Pal Kouhara-so in Section 5 are not available due to the closure of the facility.

A simple toilet for Shinetsu Trail hikers is located near ⑧-5 in Nakako Village, Section 8. Installation period: Jun. 1 – Nov. 5

■ 飲料水/水場について│Drinking Water/Watering Places


Please prepare sufficient drinking water according to the time and distance of your hike, as well as your physical fitness and the season and weather conditions in which you will be hiking.
If the water is freshwater drawn from a spring or running water in the satoyama, you will need to purify it before drinking. Also, the water may dry up during the summer.

■トイレについて│Toilet Facilities


Be sure to use the restroom before you start hiking the trail.
If you have no choice but to defecate while hiking, do so well away from trails and water sources (freshwater, etc.) and be aware of the vegetation around you. Be sure to take your paper and trash home with you.